Representative/Development Hockey Tryout Registration
Rep/Dev Tryout Registration is now closed for the 2024-2025 Season.
Please navigate to Players > Representative > Tryout Schedules if your player is registered.
PGMHA Players interested in trying out for PGMHA representative or development hockey
- Representative tryout fees:
- $160 for U11 Development, U13, U15 and U18 Representative hockey tryouts, paid in full by August 15, 2024, in addition to the Season Registration (unless you are trying out for BCEHL AAA programming).
- Representative Team Tryouts Information:
- PGMHA teams are tiered based on the players that are carded to the team. Tiering is typically declared by the end of November. We cannot pre-determine tiering or the number of teams until tryout numbers and skill are determined.
- Players & families are encouraged to investigate the specific webpage of the team(s) they are trying out for > Players > Representative > drill down to the relevant page
- Players must register with both the Season Registration and Representative Tryout Registration unless trying out for BC Hockey Zone teams (see below).
- Players must request to be excused prior to any absence as per the PGMHA Representative Tryout Guidelines.
- Refunds:
- full rep/dev tryout refunds will be issued until August 23th, less processing fees
- rep/dev tryout refund requests made after August 23th will be considered for proration, depending on the circumstances
Players trying out for BC Hockey BCEHL AAA teams
- Players who are trying out for BC Hockey zone U15AAA or U17AAA/U18AAA programming are asked to complete & pay the Rep/Dev Tryout Registration only to express their intent to play with PGMHA in the event they are released from BC Hockey teams.
- PGMHA will honor the early registration fee for players who complete the Rep/Dev Tryout Registration by June 15th in the event the player is unsuccessful in being rostered to one of the BC Hockey teams.
- PGMHA will issue full refund of the Rep/Dev Tryout Registration fee to any player successful in being rostered to one of the BC Hockey teams and who have not attended a single PGMHA tryout ice time including pre-ice. This refund will be issued after January 10th and before January 31st.
Non-PGMHA Players
- If you are not a PGMHA player and your Minor Hockey Association does not have a representative team in-category for the following divisions, you may follow the steps below to attend PGMHA Rep Tryouts:
- U13 (integrated), U13 (female) or U15 (female)
- If you are a U15 (integrated) or U18 (integrated or female) player, you are to attend, tryout and be released from the relevant BCEHL AAA team before being granted permission to attend PGMHA rep tryouts in those divisions, providing your Association does not have a team in-category.
- Complete the following: (do not complete if you are a PGMHA player!)
- Your player must be registered with your residential home Minor Hockey Association for the season you are trying out for, before proceeding.
- Non-PGMHA players complete this quick form which provides general information about your player & request.
- Please submit the following:
- A completed and approved Residential Waiver submitted to including all the necessary support letters from all 3 of the following:
- PGMHA President (,
- Your Home Minor Hockey Association President,
- Your District President (for North Central District
- This is a lengthy process and requires time.
- A completed and approved Residential Waiver submitted to including all the necessary support letters from all 3 of the following:
- Before August 15 and after steps 1-3 are complete, register for PGMHA Representative Tryouts and pay the $160 fee after you submit the Residential Waiver.
- All the above steps must be completed a minimum of two weeks prior to the commencement of PGMHA rep tryouts.
Please navigate to > Hockey > Representative and follow the appropriate dropdowns for schedules and lists.

Office: 2181 Ospika Blvd S,
Prince George, BC V2N 6Z1
Mailing: PO Box 2242,
Prince George, BC V2N 2J8